Win or Lose, Here Are Few Things Rahul Gandhi Must Do Post Elections To Stay Relevant

Dheeraj DeeKay
3 min readApr 13, 2019


Before I even start, I must just warn you of the unprecedented propaganda that was and is done to demean and to make fun of Rahul in public eye to an extent where no commentator starts pieces like this with, you see, I don’t think Rahul is the leader we deserve but blah blah. Certainly, we deserve better. No doubt. But is Modi the leader this largest democracy deserves? Absolutely not. But we elected him. We saw him shake every fabric of this republic. We saw him break rules, disrespect parliament by undercutting it, making a mockery in face of NaMo tv (I know he isn’t it’s CEO or chairman!). Truth is, that propaganda has worked. The fake news has flourished. And Rahul tweeting smart things or visiting a college or two won’t change it. Television isn’t gonna help. It has become too imbalanced for his or his party’s message. So here are few things that will go a long way.

It is no secret and now there is no point hiding from it, Congress has the most ill-inspired cadre amongst all political parties. They need a boost. They need a quick charge. So make it a point to meet them now and then by travelling to different parts of the country. Meet the lower rung of the cadre. Interact with them and while you are there in small towns, maybe go pay a visit to the nearest school. Or if the town has some college, have your local office arrange a quick talk and, question and answer session. Connect. There is no better way to kill the propaganda than to take it head-on. Also, these are next-generation voters. All these small meetings will go a long way.

The democrat in me says no but we are a strange nation and our secularism isn’t the secularism of West. If the secularism of the west means an absence of religion, Indian secularism is about coexistence and acknowledgement of different religions. So if you are in a town or village, pay respect to the local shrine, mosque or church or any other place of worship. In doing so, don’t forget to do prior research about the place. Do not venture into a temple or mosque that restricts women’s movement or has a discriminatory practice. I would very much like you to, in fact, speak out about such practices but that is really your call.

The most important of all, in case you lose, do not go back to the reclusive Rahul again. Get your state government implement what is proposed in the manifesto. Show you mean it. Show it to the public that this isn’t merely a document but an intent and you mean every word of it. Speak of it often whenever you have a chance.

NYAY is a fabulous idea. Have your state governments implement it (or parts of it) and show Congress means it.

One of the few things that have gone unnoticed by larger people in this election season is the language of both Congress party and BJP. Congress and Rahul-Priyanka should keep it this way. Do not stoop to the level of your opponent. You need to show the higher ground and keep the language clean as you have done by far. People will eventually see through it.

These is but a starting kit. The kind of propaganda and fake news Right-wing has spread will take a lot more than this to overcome. All that is required is active and continuous participation, continuous attack and debunking of the many myths.



Dheeraj DeeKay
Dheeraj DeeKay

Written by Dheeraj DeeKay

I Listen. I Speak. I Write. I Do. And That’s Why I Am. Storyteller at large! Oh yeah, also a Programmer, Full Stack Developer when at desk.

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